Appoint more human rights prosecutors outside of Lima, particularly in the south of Peru, and provide them with the necessary resources to conduct adequate investigations. The other video was CCTV footage obtained by IDL-Reporteros, recorded at around 2 p.m. [171] Human Rights Watch interviews with Ruth Brcena Loayza, Ayacucho, February 1, 2023. 51) at 197, U.N. Doc. Pobreza afect al 25.9% de la poblacin del pas en el ao 2021,", Censos 2017 Peru: Perfil Sociodemografico,,, Poblacin indgena originaria de los Andes,. He asked not to be identified for fear of reprisals. 42. Patience is a virtue! Airport security is a farce. Photo taken in Ayacucho, February 1, 2023. And the girlfriend may have been in the dark about the entire scheme. Listed on Apr 28, 2023 [54] UN Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, Consideration of reports submitted by State partied under Articles 16 and 17 of the Covenant,Concluding observations Peru, E/C.12/PER/CO/2-4, May 12, 2012, para. Informe Pericial de Necropsia Mdico Legal Nmero 019-2023, Public Ministry, no date. The biggest threat: cocaine smuggling. The protocol did not detail what police officers should do to protect reporters covering protests. [296] An attorney representing the families of many of the 18 people killed in Juliaca said that the prosecutor was transferred from a regular prosecutors office elsewhere and did not have a human rights background. Tribunal Constitucional Resolvi el conflicto de competencias interpuesto por el congreso de la Repblica contra el poder judicial,, Cesar Romero, Tribunal Constitucional falla a favor del Congreso, que tendr un poder absoluto y sin control judicial,, Cesar Romero, El Tribunal Constitucional est destruyendo el rgimen democrtico del pas,. (No. Sectors of Congressincluding many who were falsely claiming electoral fraud after Castillos electionhave been taking steps to undermine the independence of the national electoral system. [161] Autopsy conducted by David Chuquipoma, January 10, 2023, on file at Human Rights Watch. Copies of medical documents of her case on file at Human Rights Watch. [267] International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), adopted December 16, 1966, G.A. A bullet coming from the area where the police were deployed hit him in the ribs and another destroyed his right elbow, he said. This season features four episodes each at two of Latin America's biggest airports: Lima, Peru's Jorge Chavez and Brazil's Sao Paulo-Guarulhos. 44/25, annex, 44 U.N. GAOR Supp. [15] Franklin Briceno, Fiscal inicia sexta investigacin contra presidente de Per, AP News, August 11, 2022, (accessed March 8, 2023). 04/2023-MP-FN-GG-OPERIT-ABF-ELC, January 16, 2023. Elmer Faucett. A Latvian carrier wants to cooperate. [174] Pepa-Noticias-Ayacucho's Facebook page, video clip, (accessed April 4, 2023). [126] Human Rights Watch interview with general Ral Alfaro, Perus then-chief of police, Lima, February 7, 2023. [294] Cuadro de casos sobre presunta grave vulneracin de derechos humanos en elm arco de las protestas sociales (diciembre 2022 y enero 2023), provided to Human Rights Watch by Luis Enrique Valdivia, then-coordinator of human rights prosecutors offices, Lima, February 8, 2023. [149] Autopsy conducted by Paul Artemio Mamani, January 10, 2023, on file at Human Rights Watch; Necropsy diligence certificate conducted by provincial deputy prosecutor Rolando Agramonte Ramos, January 10, 2023, on file at Human Rights Watch. The most extensive database on organized crime in the Americas. A/44/49 (1989), entered into force September 2, 1990, ratified by Peru on January 26, 1990, art. [223] The autopsy certificate says his death was caused by pellets. See: Certificado de necropsiasigned by forensic expert Fresia Alejandra Hidalgo, Arequipa, January 20, 2023, on file at Human Rights Watch. [155] She was hit in the stomach. Pobreza afect al 25.9% de la poblacin del pas en el ao 2021," INEI, May 5, 2021, (accessed March 20, 2023); Censos 2017 Peru: Perfil Sociodemografico, INEI, August 2018, (accessed March 20, 2023). Officer David Chvez Cabezas at the Police Hospital in Lima on February 7, 2023. 44:06. A former Transportation Security Administration agent in California has been arrested after allegedly coercing a female passenger into showing her breasts during a security screening. [82] Human Rights Watch phone interview with Mar Prez, attorney at the Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos, April 12, 2023. They've travelled from the Amazon - and they may be carrying. Require that the police provide the Ministry of the Interior and prosecutors with incident reports each time officers use lethal and less-lethal weapons. [212]Human Rights Watch phone interview with a victims relative, February 15, 2023. Human Rights Watch interview with Rubn Porcel, director of the Antonio Lorena Hospital, Cusco, February 3, 2023. Res. Police took them to a nearby police station, where the lawyer saw them at 10:30 p.m. Police had not registered them as detainees in their database by the time that an organized crime prosecutor arrived. A roadblock in Cusco on February 2, 2023. Sci Justice. Autopsy conducted by Milton Edgar Condori, January 10, 2023, on file at Human Rights Watch. Informe de Evaluacin de las operaciones policiales realizadas con ocasin de las marchas convocadas entre el 10 y el 14 de noviembre de 2020 en la ciudad de Lima, en protesta por la vacancia presidencial y juramentacin del nuevo presidente de la repblica, Ministry of the Interior, January 29, 2021, p. 61, on file at Human Rights Watch. Human Rights Watch verified a video of Samilln performing CPR. [16] Acorralado por varios denuncias, Pedro Castillo pasa a la ofensiva en Per, La Nacion, August 20, 2022, (accessed March 8, 2023). Provide prosecutors, the Ministry of Defense, and the Ministry of the Interior with operation plans and incident reports, when deployed for law enforcement. Security Officer (STSO), Behavior Detection Officer (BDO), Travel Document . December 17, 2022, (accessed March 10, 2023). A young woman breaks down into tears when she is detained for what is apparently illegal trafficking, while a young man who was formerly imprisoned for drug trafficking in the United Arab Emirates raises the agents' suspicions, who decide to interrogate him.At the loading docks, a typical Peruvian handicraft turns out to be Security teams at Lima, Peru's airport work 24-7 to stop illegal activity. In one of the larger busts of the year, a nondescript Spaniard is found with 10 kilos of cocaine in his luggage. [189] Human Rights Watch interview with Luis Enrique Valdivia, then coordinator of human rights prosecutors offices, Lima, February 8, 2023. [187] Human Rights Watch interview with Leandro Rojas, Ayacucho, February 1, 2023. The ballistics analysis report of the bullet confirmed it was a 9mm parabellum. Ley de reforma constitucional que prohbe la reeleccin inmediata de parlamentarios de la Repblica. La Autoidentificacin tnica. The biggest problem: cocaine smuggling. [25] Dina Boluarte dej de lado el llamado a nuevas elecciones y espera gobernar hasta 2026, Infobae, December 7, 2022, (accessed March 8, 2023). Pronunciamiento de la OIM ante la prdida de vidas de migrantes en la ciudad de Desaguadero, Puno, International Organization for Migration, February 9, 2023, (accessed April 4, 2023). [310] Human Rights Watch phone interview with Griselda Venero, chief of prosecutors office in Cusco, March 13, 2023. [245] Nancy Crispn, 30, said police forced her and her parents, Yolanda Enrquez Vargas, 62, and Esteban Crispn Alavya, 68, to lie down on the floor for two hours. [282] Luis Alberto Naldos Blanco, Director General de la Oficina General de Integridad Institucional, Informe de Evaluacin de las operaciones policiales realizadas con ocasin de las marchas convocadas entre el 10 y el 14 de noviembre de 2020 en la ciudad de Lima, en protesta por la vacancia presidencial y juramentacin del nuevo presidente de la repblica, Ministry of the Interior, January 29, 2021, on file at Human Rights Watch; Peru Serious Police Abuses Against Protesters, Human Rights Watch news release, December 17, 2020, Vctima de una bomba lacrimgena disparada por la Polica Nacional del Per a menos de 5 metros de distancia. (accessed April 10, 2023); Valeria Coca, , Caso Vctor Santisteban: nuevo video evidencia disparos de miembros de la PNP a manifestante,, Protestas: cartucho de lacrimgena fue causante de la muerte de Vctor Santisteban,. [165] Human Rights Watch interview with Jorge Chvez Cresta, Minister of Defense, Lima, February 8, 2023. [37] In 2020, 245,152 children stopped their studies3 percent of all children in school. [276] Human Rights Watch remote interview with Valia Aguirre, February 7, 2023. DESCRIPTION. The woman arrived at the Asheville Regional Airport on the afternoon of June 27, traveling to Los Angeles. Refrain from using identity controls to disperse protests or intimidate protesters. In Cusco, Antonio Lorena hospital treated six civilians who had been injured by pellets during protests in January 2023. Securitas, a leading security services provider of on-site guarding and risk management, suffered a data breach, which exposed 1.5 million files. In comparison to some large and confusing airports in North America and Europe, Lima's . [308] CCTV footage is typically deleted after between 30 or 90 days, although it depends on the owners settings. [315] Statements by Carlos Rivera, director of the Instituto de Defensa Legal, during press conference organized by the Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos, Lima, April 4, 2023, (accessed April 4, 2023). 2200A (XXI), 21 U.N. GAOR Supp. 29. [66] Luisa Feline Freier and Soledad Castillo Jara, Terruqueo and Perus Fear of the Left, Americas Quarterly, January 13, 2023, (accessed March 20, 2023). (No. A/6316 (1966), 999 U.N.T.S. 7; International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), adopted December 16, 1966, G.A. . [124] UN Human Rights Committee, General Comment 36, Non-discrimination (One hundred twenty-four session, 2018), UN Doc. In this season, we land at Jorge Chavez International Airport, Lima, Peru - Peru's largest airport and a major Latin American hub. [275] Clnica Anglo Americana. Prosecutors should investigate and, as appropriate, prosecute not just the military and police officers who committed abuses but also their superiors and civilian government authorities who may have ordered them, allowed them to happen or not responded adequately to prevent further extrajudicial killings and other human rights violations by military and police, and ensure accountability after they happened. Human Rights Watch interviewed a 15-year-old child, Christopher Junior Husco Soto, who was shot as he was crossing a street on his way home in Pichanaki on December 16, 2022. Invite an independent commission of international experts, as also recommended by other civil society groups, and grant it access to government information and case files to support ongoing investigations and report on the current crisis and human rights violations, in a manner that is complementary to existing criminal investigations. Res. [76] Human Rights Watch interview with police general M. Cayetano, director of investigations at the inspector generals office, Lima, February 7, 2023. In Cusco and Arequipa, prosecutors did not seek CCTV footage of the locations where people were injured or killed, according to attorneys representing the victims. According to news media, Congress decided in December 2022 to more than quadruple the amount of money it spent on daily lunches for congressmembers. Homicides in Juliaca, Homicidios en Juliaca,IDL-Reporteros, April 9, 2023, (accessed on April 10, 2023). Human Rights Watch interview with Hilaria Aim Gutirrez, Christophers mother, Ayacucho, February 1, 2023. [65] En Vivo: Dina Boularte Mensaje a La Nacion Desde Palacio Hoy 10/02/2023, February 10, 2023, video clip, Youtube, (accessed March 20, 2023). [38] In 2021, 39.7 percent Peruvians in rural areas lived in poverty, compared to 22 percent in urban areas. Crisis poltica y protesta social: Balance defensorial tras tres meses de iniciado el conflicto, Ombudspersons Office report number 190, March 2023, p. 41. [74] Hctor Loayza, former chief of Perus police and an advisor to Interior Minister Vicente Romero, told Human Rights Watch staff there was no ongoing investigation at the Interior Ministry into police conduct during the protests, at a meeting in which the minister was present on February 7, 2023. [14] Valeria Coca Pimental, Los polmicos gabinetes de Pedro Castillo: nombr a 78 ministros en 495 das de gobierno, Infobae, April 4, 2023, (accessed April 2, 2023). [100] Human Rights Watch interview with police general Moiss Salvador Rojas Arcos, Lima, February 7, 2023. [246] After the raid, the university said that it had only asked police to retake control of the gates and that the operation had been abuse of authority and caused physical and psychological harm to students. [260] In one of those locations, police separated detainees into groups of eight, by gender, Nancy Crispn Enriquez, 35, a demonstrator from the Huancavelica region, said. In November 2021, a report by the Office of Integrity of the Ministry of Interior, which cited internal police documents and evidence collected by Human Rights Watch, among other sources, identified serious wrongdoing by police in response to the 2020 protests. Res. airport security: peru female officer. [333] Congresistas viajaron en ao nuevo con pasajes pagados por el Congreso, Gestin, February 12, 2023, (accessed April 11, 2023). Female Security Officer Interview. 24, art. Also in early 2023, a law went into effect that undermined the independence of the system providing oversight and accreditation of institutions of higher education. Mia Ferrari-Mathis, Americas Division intern, and Sebastian Abad Jara, Americas research assistant, provided research support. Nuevo Cdigo Procesal Penal peruano, LP Derecho, October 27, 2022, (accessed March 20, 2023). He asked not to be identified for fear of reprisals. Mortality Analysis, John Hopkins University & Medicine, n.d., (accessed March 8, 2023); The Conversation, How Peru became the country with the highest COVID death rate in the world, GAVI The Vaccine Alliance, November 21, 2022, (accessed March 10, 2023). Find out more about careers available at LCY by visiting Thanks for watching! This report was written by Csar Muoz Acebes, Americas associate director, based on research conducted by Nathalye Cotrino Villarreal, researcher in the Crisis and Conflict Division; Santiago Menna, research assistant at the Americas Division; Devon Lum, research assistant for the Digital Investigations Lab; and Muoz Acebes. Human Rights Watch interview with staff of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, who documented the case, Lima, January 30, 2023. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), adopted December 16, 1966, G.A. [4] Alberto Fujimori, Alejandro Toledo, Ollanta Humala, Pedro Pablo Kucynski, and Pedro Castillo. David Pereda, Un 83% a favor de adelantar elecciones generales, segn IEP,. Their main challenges: illegal immigration and the trafficking of cocaine. Call on Congress to respect the separation of powers, protect democratic institutions, including the electoral system, and ensure that the selection process for the next ombudsperson is transparent, grounded in candidates qualifications, and ensures the offices continued independence. [178] Human Rights Watch reviewed a medical document that said that the university student had suffered open abdominal trauma by firearm projectile. She went through security and the body scanner, which the TSA officer said alerted that . We would like to thank Walter Albn, Carmen Rosa Cardoza, Gino Costa, Eduardo Gonzlez, Gustavo Gorriti, Alonso Gurmendi, Ursula Indacochea, Ivn Lanegra, David Lovaton, Mar Prez, Katya Salazar, Ricardo Uceda, Jos Ugaz, Adriana Urrutia, Asociacin Nacional de Periodistas del Per, Asociacin Pro Derechos Humanos, Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos, Derechos Humanos Sin Fronteras, Due Process of Law Foundation, Estudio Arbizu & Gamarra, IDL-Reporteros, Instituto de Defensa Legal, the Mission in Peru of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Organizacin de Derechos Humanos Pachamama, Red Muqui, and University of California Santa Cruz Human Rights Investigations Lab for their advice and assistance. A peaceful protest in the main square in Arequipa on February 4, 2023. On March 31, 2023, the attorney general created a special team of prosecutors to investigate human rights violations, crimes against human rights defenders, and certain serious crimes against journalists during protests from December 2022 through March 2023. It said that when police officers detect an act of violence against reporters, they should report it to prosecutors, but does not say what should happen when it is police who threaten and attack reporters, or try to impede their work or destroy their audiovisual material. [293] Human Rights Watch interview with Perus attorney general, Patricia Benavides, Lima, February 8, 2023. Sort by: relevance - date. (Photo: Landov) If you polled 100 women about the prospect of an intrusive . [338] Congreso define nuevos magistrados del Tribunal Constitucional,Gestin, May 10, 2022, (accessed April 11, 2023); Tribunal Constitucional: quines son los nuevos magistrados elegidos por el Congreso?,La Repblica, May 10, 2022 (accessed April 11, 2023). The biggest threat: cocaine smuggling. [295] Human Rights Watch interview with Luis Enrique Valdivia, then-coordinator of human rights prosecutors offices, Lima, February 8, 2023. Red de Salud San Romn Facebook page, (accessed March 13, 2023). 3x05 Covered In Cocaine. Congress had sought to name a new ombudsperson in 2022 in another process that civil society groups had criticized and the workers union for the Ombudspersons Office had challenged in court for lack of transparency and public participation, as well as concerns about the selection criteria, among others. Pleno Sentencia 74/2023, Razn de Relatora, March 3, 2023, (accessed April 18, 2023). Search 11 Female Security Guard jobs available in Dubai Airport on, the world's largest job site. [303] A video obtained by Human Rights Watch shows the forensic team trying to conduct a gunshot residue test at the hospital. [328] Human Rights Watch phone interview with Paula Muoz, March 3, 2023. [327] Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Rome Statute), A/CONF.183/9, July 17, 1998, entered into force July 1, 2002, art. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) The Week Staff. [252] Notificacin N004-2023-DIRCOTE-PNP/DIVITM/DEPITM ESTE, signed by police mayor Cesar Enrique Campos Gonzales, January 22, 2023, on file at Human Rights Watch. 117. [193] Human Rights Watch phone interview with a relative, who requested that they not be identified, February 10, 2023. [113] Human Rights Watch remote interview with Mara Fernanda Hurtado, IOM coordinator in Tacna, Peru, March 31, 2023. res. Three Transportation Security Administration officers were injured in an "unprovoked and brazen" attack by a female traveler at a Phoenix airport Tuesday morning, the agency said. [255] Crisis poltica y protesta social: Balance defensorial tras tres meses de iniciado el conflicto, Ombudspersons Office report number 190, March 2023. [34] Peru had a rate of 665 deaths per 100,000 people, almost double the rate of the next country, the United States. 28, art. Pobreza afect al 25,9% de la poblacin del pas en el ao 2021, INEI, May 5, 2022, (accessed March 8, 2023); Concepto de Pobreza Monetaria, INEI, (accessed March 23, 2023). Authorities failed to secure crime scenes and collect bullet casings and other evidence even when, as in the case of Juliaca, one of the crime scenes was two blocks from a police station. Two protesters were killed and over 200 were injured, some seriously, between November 9 and 15, 2020. Manifestantes se tomaron la Universidad Nacional de San Marcos en Lima, January 18, 2023, video clip, Youtube, (accessed March 20, 2023). [194] Location based on two videos verified by Human Rights Watch and identified with satellite imagery and Google Earths elevation feature. While all available evidence indicates police killed 18 protesters in Juliaca on January 9, 2023, President Boluarte said the majority of the those who died were killed by homemade weapons.
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