Importance of Imitation Skills

Importance of Imitation Skills

“If we want a flower to bloom we need to water the roots not the flowers”; similarly to develop verbal communication in children, the ability to comprehend the language should be enhanced by fostering pre-verbal skills. This helps children learn the basic rules of communication. Imitation skills are a very essential part of the preverbal

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Floor Time

Floor Time

Every opportunity for simple, active play is a chance for your baby to learn more about their body and the world around them and for new skills to emerge. And floor time is nothing less – it can be one of the most stimulating activities for your baby. Playing on the floor with your baby

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Flat Head – What to look out for?

Flat Head – What to look out for?

Most parents don’t hear much about preventing or monitoring head flattening until it’s a problem. And even when it has been noticed between 4 to 6 months of age, there is a “let’s wait and watch” response, as the condition is usually considered a cosmetic problem. The shape of your baby’s head is of significance

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Colic Remedies

Colic Remedies

Colic is a bit of a mystery for most new parents as it comes so unexpectedly. The term applies to any healthy, well-fed infant who cries more than 3 hours a day, more than 3 days a week, for more than 3 weeks in a row. Colic is likely to start around age 2 weeks

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Back to Sleep, Tummy to Play

Back to Sleep, Tummy to Play

‘Back to sleep, tummy to play’ is a popular concept that help babies strengthen their core muscles and develop their back strength, which are critical for achieving subsequent developmental milestones (such as neck control and sitting) as well as preventing SIDS. Ideally, babies should be on their backs for sleep, but should spend a significant

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